Image by Mark Taylor During a speech at the Metropolitan Republican Club in Manhattan to highlight his new book, “Rogue Spooks: The Intelligence War on Donald Trump,” political operative and commentator Dick Morris outlined the Deep State’s attempt to unseat duly elected President Donald Trump from power and the strategy…
Image by Gage Skidmore During his nomination hearing before the U.S. Senate on Tuesday, newly appointed American ambassador to Russia, Jon Huntsman, said there was no doubt that Russia meddled in the 2016 U.S. presidential elections. Huntsman is slated to assume the ambassador position from Ambassador John Tefft this month….
Congressman Prevented From Providing Assange Intel To Trump.
Ukrainian MP Demands Investigation Into Clinton/DNC Collusion With Ukraine During 2016 US Presidential Election.
The Hi-Tech Traditionalist: There Will Be No USS Barack H. Obama.
Image by Gage Skidmore During the run up to the 2016 U.S. presidential election, the New York Times broke a story in August regarding allegations that Trump advisor Paul Manafort received millions of dollars in illegal payments, according to a ‘ledger’ found in an empty office by a ‘source.’ At…
I had a Top Secret Special Compartmental Intelligence Clearance. I’ve read a lot of intelligence reports over the years. This garbage that CNN and Buzz Feed released is not written by a spook. It was written by a political consultant. It is opposition research. Actually, it’s not even research. It’s…
The U.S. Office of Director of National Intelligence released on Friday a report that detailed the Russian campaign to influence the US election. According to the report, there is a high probability that Putin ordered hacker attacks to influence the election outcome. According to the report, Putin most likely to…
By Alexandr Dugin. Translation from the Russian (TsargradTV) and commentary by Shim’on ben Avigdor Today, the fate of humanity is decided. The USA is the only hyper-power and today it is electing its president. For the first time in many decades (likely since Lincoln’s election), the two candidates embody two…