Eastern Europe News

Video: Kyiv Police Tear Down Saakashvili Protest Camp, 20 Injured

Screenshot RFERL

Police in Kyiv dismantled and destroyed a protest camp set up by former Georgian President Mikheil Saakashvili, who has been deported to Poland. About 100 people were arrested. Saakashvili’s ‘Movement of New Forces’ generated multiple rallies and protests outside Ukraine’s parliament to demand Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko’s impeachment and an end to corruption. Saakashvili resigned as mayor of Odessa due to alleged corruption emanating from the government in Kyiv.

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“Police in riot gear approached from two sides and detained almost all the people [in the camp]. Trucks started dragging apart and demolishing the barricades,” lawmaker and Saakashvili ally Yehor Sobolev said, reported RFERL. Authorities said nine grenades, an unspecified number of Molotov cocktails, and five smoke bombs were seized by authorities during the raid.

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