Migrants Shifting To Black Sea Routes To Eastern Europe.
Image by Gémes Sándor/SzomSzed When the migration wave began from Northern Africa and the Middle East to Europe several years ago, Hungary realized early that the wave was not just refugees seeking shelter but an invasion which would forever alter the culture and security of Europe. As we see another…
Moldovan Fight Continues Between President And PM.
The Prime Minister of Hungary, Viktor Orban, said this week in his annual speech to the Civic Picnic in Kötcse that the Islamization of Europe is real and Hungary will defend itself. He also said the enemies of Hungary are coming from within, not from abroad, referring to globalists who…
Image by Adrian Grycuk Today the European Court of Justice ruled in favor of Western European nations who want to force Eastern countries to accept thousands of Islamic migrants in order to take pressure off the souther periphery nations of the EU. Even though the majority of migrants seem to…
The European Court of Justice will rule this Wednesday whether a scheme put together by the EU to relocate migrants from souther periphery countries is legal. The plan has been challenged by the Eastern European countries of Hungary and Slovakia. The EU Commission has instigated legal challenges against Poland, Hungary,…
Poland Strikes Back Against EU Legal Action, Demands Reparations For WWII.
Image by Robert Cotič The tiny European nation of Slovenia, home to Melania Trump, is seeing thousands of migrants from North Africa and Syria pour over its borders after Hungary shut its border with Croatia to prevent entry. The ‘refugees’ are arriving by train and bus at the Slovenian-Croatian border,…
Image by Mykola Vasylechko, Світлина Миколи Василечка The European Union and Ukraine finalized their Association Agreement today, heralding closer ties, in which negotiations began ten years ago. The signing of the agreement is what sparked the Maidan Revolution which forced the ouster of Ukrainian President Viktor Yanykovych, who now resides…