Eastern Europe News

Video: Ukraine Announces Creation Of Independent Church, Selects Leader

Image by Plokhish
Фото заупокойной службы на территории Мемориала “Жертвам Голодоморов 1932-33 годов в Украине”

Ukrainian Orthodox leaders have agreed on the creation of a new national Orthodox church and elected a leader to head that church, a move that Ukraine’s leaders say is vital to the country’s security and independence but could raise tensions further with Moscow.

Ukraine To Once Again Attempt To Send Naval Ships Through Kerch Strait

Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko said 39-year-old Metropolitan Epifaniy of the Kyiv Patriarchate church had been chosen as head of the church by a council, comparing the move to Ukraine’s referendum for independence from the Soviet Union in 1991…

To read more visit RFERL.

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