Central Europe News

Orban Looks To Form New Hungarian Government, Continue Anti-Soros Agenda In 3rd Consecutive Term

Image by Presidential Press and Information Office

The president of Hungary has requested Prime Minister Viktor Orban to be named to a third term and continue his anti-Soros, anti-immigration agenda in the Central European country.

“Orban’s Fidesz party and its small ally, the Christian Democratic People’s Party, won 133 of 199 seats in the national assembly in the April 8 election, securing a two-thirds majority which will allow them to amend the Constitution unchallenged. Lawmakers are expected to vote on Orban’s new term as prime minister on Thursday afternoon,” wrote Associated Press.

“I asked Prime Minister Viktor Orban to form the new government and he accepted the request,” President Janos Ader said.

The president also warned against a European ‘superstate’ from being established on the Continent. “We don’t want something like the United States of America on European soil…We want a united, democratic, citizen-friendly, active and fundamentally federal Europe.”

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Orban’s new government declared they are not looking for confrontation with the EU leadership and will apply new stimulus to keep high economic growth in Hungary, which is very popular with the electorate.

“Should there be any changes, that will not affect the constitutional requirement of judicial independence,” Gergely Gulyas, Orban’s new chief of staff, said when asked whether a similar conflict could emerge in Orban’s next term in power, after a batch of sweeping reforms following his 2010 election victory, wrote Reuters.

“If there should be any intention to change this, that would pertain to the justice minister. However, as of today, I am not aware of anything to that effect…From the agriculture sector, to industry, the machinery sector and construction, we would like to see that this [economic] development is broad-based.”

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Regarding joining the euro zone, Gulyas said, “For now, there is a consensus among most economists that we should enter the euro zone, when we reach 80 to 90 percent of the average EU living standards…We should join the euro zone when it serves the interests of the Hungarian economy and citizens.”

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