Eastern Europe News

Polish Unemployment Falls To Lowest In 25 Years

Polish Unemployment Falls To Lowest In 25 Years

Unemployment in Poland in April reached a 25 year low at 7.7%. This is striking for a country that was once behind the Iron Curtain and struggled with too many workers for its fledging economy for decades. However, now Poland is the engine of Eastern Europe with many workers coming back from elsewhere in the EU to Warsaw for hi-tech and financial jobs.

Prime Minister Beata Szydlo expressed her “huge satisfaction,” calling it the lowest unemployment figure since 1992, and said her government’s programs “are bringing the expected effects.” April’s jobless rate is down 0.4 percentage points from March and 1.7 percentage points from a year earlier, reports AP.

The numbers are welcome news for the ruling Law and Justice Party which has been under fire from Leftist groups and the European Union for alleged anti-democratic efforts. The roaring economy will possible give some relief to the constant protests which have put pressure on the government in power.

With the EU struggling with debt and unemployment and migrants, the Polish news should be welcome for Brussels as well. However, I wouldn’t hold your breath for any encouragement from the Polish government’s enemies.

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