Balkans News

Low Participation In Albanian Voting

Kozeta Cika contributed to this article

Image by MSzybalski

Today’s electoral process in Albania showed the lowest percentage in voters’ participation in 27 years of democracy, only 43.38%, in which 19% women.

Due to this, the Central Electoral Commission extended the voting process by 60 more minutes, till 8.00pm, to give more Albanian citizens the possibility to express their will.

However, the time extension did not change the outcome.

The overall electoral situation today has been tranquille, except two cases: one in Lezha county, where a SMI member was wounded, and another beaten DP member in Korca county. In both cases, socialists have been accused.

Video Of The New Scanderbeg Square in Tirana, Albania

There have also been physical clashes between SP and SMI members in Durres city.

There is not yet any information on the winner, but referring to tbe three main parties: SP, DP and SMI, each of them declared themselves the winner.

It is still unknown who will govern Albania in the four coming years.

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