Eastern Europe

Zelenskiy Pushes Globalist Narrative, Refers To Fake Mariupol Maternity Ward Attack, Pushes Russian Pending Chemical Weapons Attack Theme, Admits Biolabs But Calls ‘Defensive’

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Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskiy today issued a video where he pushes the globalist narrative that Russia is going to launch a chemical weapons attack on Ukraine. He refers to a staged attack on a ‘maternity ward’ in Mariupol, in addition to other attacks on Ukrainian civilians. He also pushes the U.S. response that bioweapons laboratories in Ukraine are for defensive purposes only.

Frankly, this video seems like gaslighting of a propaganda campaign against the Russian invasion, heralding a false flag attack to stir up sentiment against Russia.

This response seems to show that yesterday’s Russian accusations against American bioweapons development in Ukraine at the UN were effective propaganda and Ukraine is responding because they have to.

“No weapons of mass destruction were developed on my land…”

“The whole world knows these labs are for defensive purposes only…”

We continue to believe a negotiated settlement is the best option for this conflict — a neutral Ukraine and Russian reparations, removal of troops, and the end of Ukraine as a globalist theme park of corruption and evil deeds.

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Michael March 12, 2022 at 7:57 am

Reparations? I don’t think so.
Let Z’s grifting haul take care of it.
Biolabs propaganda? That connotes
a false narrative.

Jerry Mander March 12, 2022 at 12:29 pm

Globalists now run the USA and the goal with this war is to wreck the economies of both the USA and Russia and end any form of democratic process in either country. The Globalists enticed Putin into a trap by goading him and encouraging him to invade Ukraine. Always remember the motto of Globalism: “You will own nothing and be happy”, and their goal of a one-world government run as a corporation. Do those two things, look at what’s happening from the Globalist perspective, and everything will make perfect sense.

Robert March 12, 2022 at 2:16 pm

‘DEFENSIVE” ………My butt! Ask the pentagon if we would allow “defensive” bioweapons labs in Cuba…,…See how long that lasts!

Biff March 12, 2022 at 4:20 pm

Guess the Ukraine money-laundering business is tapering off…

jack johnson March 12, 2022 at 11:04 pm

Biden just replenished the coffers in Ukraine to the tune of $14 billion…..the Biden, Romney, Pelosi and Kerry families can sleep well tonight. Now Iran is lobbing missiles at us in Iraq, got to go!


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