Image by hdptcar
The Russian Federation seems to be opening a military base in the Central African Republic. Moscow has been active in the country since last year when a security agreement was signed, providing light weapons and advisors. The agreement allows for a Russian military facility in-country and it seems like that is exactly what is taking place as we speak.
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CAR’s defense minister Marie-Noëlle Koyara spoke with Russian state news outlet RIA Novosti Thursday and declared a new Russian military base in her country cannot be ruled out.
“We haven’t yet talked about developing the base specifically, but this possibility is not excluded in the [August] framework agreement,” said the African official.
Although disagreeing that the current facility is an official Russian military base, she added, “If the presidents, as supreme commanders and leaders of the nation, decide to deploy the base, then our countries will carry it out.”
As in Syria, Russia is following a policy of establishing military outposts in order to harvest raw commodities from the region. In the Middle East, the objective is oil. In the CAR, minerals and the mines to acquire them are sought. The man known as ‘Putin’s Cook’, Dmitry Prigozhin, who also runs the ‘Wagner’ mercenary force, is involved in the CAR operations.
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Three Russian journalists, funded by Putin adversary Mikhail Khordorkovsky, were killed last year investigating Prigozhin’s activities in CAR.