Eastern Europe

Soviet Scientist Who Developed Novichok Nerve Agent Run Over By Car Near Black Sea Home

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The Soviet scientist, Vladimir Uglev, who developed the Novichok nerve agent used in the Sergei Skripal attack in Salisbury, England was involved recently in a hit and run incident while crossing the street near his home in Anapa, Russia, on the Black Sea. Reports are the attack was an attempted murder.

“According to Uglev, he noticed that the car is going and does not slow down, he ran and was almost on the sidewalk when the car ” caught up ” with him . In order not to be under the wheels, Uglev jumped on the hood. As a result, his head broke the windshield of the car. At the moment, as reported by Uglev, he is in the hospital in Anapa and awaits the conclusion of doctors. The condition is satisfactory. He has a bruised head and strong bruises on his right arm and right leg. Doctors made a tomography of the head, the results have not yet been said,” reported the Russian news outlet, The Bell.

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The Kremlin has been outspoken in its denial of any involvement in the Skripal poisoning, which also put his daughter Yulia in a coma and hospitalized over 20 English who were near the incident.

Western nations, in a response to the poisoning, expelled over 150 Russian diplomats. In addition, Britain, France, and the United States attacked Syria with 105 cruise missiles to destroy chemical weapons facilities controlled by the Assad regime, after the use of chemical weapons against civilians outside Damascus.

Reports are the American national security establishment is worried about an increase in use of weapons of mass destruction by Russian military and security services, and want to show there will be a response to such attacks.

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Uglev recently gave an interview to the BBC where he gave his opinion that the poison used in the Skripal attack was in-fact the one he helped develop, called ‘The Rookie’.

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