Eastern Europe News

Russia’s Spy Agencies Tangle Over Botched Salisbury Attack, Say British Security Services

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Russia’s GRU – blamed by Scotland Yard for the murder of Sergei Skripal – is known as that country’s most shadowy intelligence agency, with a reputation for operations that are both aggressive and risky.

But the fallout from the Salisbury attack – which saw its agents captured on CCTV sauntering around Salisbury and at one stage even window shopping outside an antique stamp and coin seller – is now understood to have led to tension between the organisation and its rival intelligence agencies in Moscow.

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The fractured nature of Russia’s intelligence services also increases the chances of turf wars breaking out between them over operations such as the Novichok poisoning, especially if they are seen by some in Moscow as having backfired.

To read more visit The Telegraph.

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