Central Europe News

EU Wants To Solve Migration Problem By Setting Up Centers To Accept More Migrants…No Really, They Do

EU Wants To Solve Migration Problem By Setting Up Centers To Accept More Migrants...No Really, They Do
Image by Gémes Sándor/SzomSzed

As the migrant issue continues to tear Europe apart, primarily due to the incompetence of the EU regarding protecting its own culture and security, or one could say due to the EU agenda to destroy its own culture and security, German Chancellor Angela Merkel lurches to a more protectionist policy in order to try and save her political skin. The problem for Merkel, is the German people, and other members of the EU, have had enough.

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Merkel announced recently a deal with her political opposition, the conservative Bavarian party, the CSU, where she declared 14 nations had agreed to take back migrants which had declared asylum in another country before reaching Germany. It remains to be seen if this announcement will be enough to save her career. However, it looks doubtful.

Primarily the ‘deal’ is in doubt because the Central European nations of Poland, Hungary, Slovakia, and the Czech Republic, have denied making such a deal in the first place.

However, the most shocking revelation to come out of the recent EU summit to deal with the migration problem was Merkel’s suggestion that the Union set up centers in North Africa to accept more migrants as a way to stop migrants from coming. The logic escapes us.

“EU leaders agreed to consider setting up “disembarkation platforms” outside the EU, most likely in North Africa, in a bid to discourage migrants and refugees boarding EU-bound smuggler boats. Member countries could also create processing centres to determine whether the new arrivals are returned home as economic migrants or admitted as refugees in willing states,” reported Zero Hedge.

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Merkel also suggested the following:

At the national level, Merkel also proposes that migrants arriving in Germany who first registered in another EU country should be placed in special “admissions centres” under restrictive conditions, according to a document she sent to the CSU and coalition partners the Social Democratic Party (SPD). “There will be a residency obligation reinforced with sanctions,” the document states.

In other words, the EU will ask migrants, who just as easily can sneak into Europe, to not do so, so they can come to special centers where they could be rejected. This doesn’t make any sense.

In other parts of the EU, national leaders are calling for a more effective way to deal with the crisis that Europe brought upon itself. “We need better cooperation with countries outside the European Union and we have to send back more efficiently the people who have no right to be granted international protection in the EU. We must also support member states that are experiencing the biggest migration pressure,” said Estonian Prime Minister Juri Ratas, reported The Baltic Times.

It is patently clear that Europe needs new leadership to protect itself, or it will simply die.

Why don’t they just build a wall?

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