Central Europe News

Hungary Reduces Number Of Asylum-Seekers It Will Admit To 2 Per Day

Hungary Reduces Number Of Asylum-Seekers It Will Admit To 2 Per Day
Image by Joachim Seidler

Open border advocates in Eastern Europe have declared that Hungary is limiting the number of asylum seekers that gain access to the country to two per day. In a pro-migrant article written by NPR, activists stated, “NPR interviewed asylum seekers, refugee advocates and a lawyer all with direct knowledge of the near closure and the resulting panic and despair. They report that since Jan. 22, Hungary is allowing only one asylum seeker per day to cross from Serbia into each of its two transit zones.”

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The nationalist government of Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban denied there is an official limit and gave the impression that the border crossing are not busy due to lack of demand. “There is no such rule that they can take in one daily…But if there’s [only] one man standing there, why should 10 customs officer[s] sit there?” said Janos Lazar, the head of the Hungarian prime minister’s office.

The near closure of the border “is absolutely unbelievable,” said Marta Pardavi, co-chair of the Hungarian Helsinki Committee. “This means only unaccompanied minors or single men can get in – no families whatsoever,” writes NPR.

“This camp is hell,” said one migrant who is stuck in a camp on the Hungarian border. “The food is bad and there’s nothing for us here.”

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“Everyone is afraid. We worry they’ll close the gates forever and say, ‘good-bye, take off.’ ”

Of course, NPR does not mention the negative effects on Europe from the mass Islamic migration. Surging crime, destruction of culture, increased costs, and lack of security are all problems Western European countries are facing due to the acceptance of hundreds of thousands of migrants.

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