Column 3 News

Eighty Years On From The Great Purge, Stalin Is Striking Back And Historians Are The Victims

Eighty Years On From The Great Purge, Stalin Is Striking Back And Historians Are The Victims

“The condemned were brought by car to a forest. There, deep pits were dug and the prisoners were told to lay down face down. After that they were shot”.

So read the notes of the interrogation of NKVD executioner Mikhail Matveyev, who personally executed 1111 prisoners from the notorious Solovki island camp in Karelia in the Russian Far North. It took him four days to execute the whole group.

The time was November, 1937, when Russia had been plunged into the Great Purge, the climax of Stalin’s terror. Approximately 750,000 Soviet citizens were killed in 15 months…

To Read More Visit The Moscow Times

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