
Populist Italian Government Latest To Back Out Of Immigration Pact

Image by Fabio Visconti

The populist Italian coalition government has announced they will not be signing the controversial UN global migration pact and that the matter will be voted on in parliament instead.

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Interior Minister Matteo Salvini announced, “the Italian government will not sign anything and will not go to Marrakesh, it must be sent to the chamber to discuss it. The Italian government will make parliament choose,” Il Giornale reports.

The statement was backed up by Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte who added, “We, therefore, consider it appropriate to put the debate to parliament and to put the definitive choices back on the outcome of this discussion, as was decided by Switzerland. In Marrakesh, the Government will not participate, reserving the right to adhere or not to the document only when parliament has pronounced itself…”

To read more visit Breitbart.

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