
It’s No Longer About If Iran Can Take Over The Middle East, But Whether Or Not The Regime Will Survive

Image by Tasnim News Agency
Iranian Parliament interior

Hassan Rouhani, the President of Iran, was called to Parliament “Majlis” on 28 August. He had to answer to five questions asked by the Majlis’ representatives. After a long speech he did not give a convincing response, but he clearly displayed the whole system’s fear and concern about the explosive state of society.

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In the past 20 days two of Rouhani’s ministers were dismissed. First it was Ali Rabiee, the Minister of Labor, then Masoud Karbassian, Iran’s Minister of Economy, who were ousted.

On Tuesday, 28 August, the presidential spokesman at the Iranian regime’s parliament confirmed that a bill signed by 50 signatories asked for the Minister of Industry as well as the Mine and Trade to be sacked. The spokesman said the bill was handed to the parliament Board of Directors. Following Rouhani’s session at parliament, he later joined supreme leader Ali Khamenei and the government cabinet for a meeting. During a long speech Ali Khamenei opposed any negotiations with the United States.

Khamenei used the words must, and must not, over 20 times; it could reach up to a hundred in the full transcript. Even when he did not use the must, and must not, phrases, he actually meant the same meaning. This mostly happened while he spoke of economy and social matters.

Here are a few of them:
• The currency must be allocated with open eyes and billions of dollars should not be in the hands of a few, especially at this difficult time for our country.
• You must keep an open eye on certain items and exchange them.
• We must use prudently the refinery and export of oil products from the great blessings of oil reserves well.
• The problems must be stopped and prevented before happening.
• The central bank must avert depositors’ problems at banks and financial institutions with complete and accurate supervision.
• There must be an active group that is willing to solve the economic problems one-by-one jubilantly.
• To have economic matters handled, you must act strong and vibrant with quality.
• Disagreements must not be broadcast on media.

Despite Europe’s monetary package to Iran and their attachment to the JCPOA, Khamenei said Iran should stop hoping for any nuclear deal with European countries or for them to help out with the economic hardship.

You must be suspicious of European promises and seriously watch over matters. These emphasis become more ridiculous when it extends beyond the central rule and even the people of Iran, and addresses foreign governments.

In the same speech, Khamenei told European countries “Europeans must understand from the Iranian government’s remarks and behavior that their actions will be followed by the appropriate measures of the Islamic Republic of Iran.”

The question that arises is why Khamenei speaks this way? Why are his own officials not worthy of his speech? Has he lost his authority and control over the system?

President Donald Trump made an interview with Bloomberg on 30 August and said “the Iranian regime may collapse because of his administration’s policies.”

He also acknowledged that “When I came into here, it was a question of when would they take over the Middle East. Now it’s a question of will they survive.”

President Trump made it clear they will work closely with countries trading with Iran to ensure they fully comply and gradually discontinue. Those that don’t will face serious consequences.

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Whether the Iranian regime blames the United States for its dire condition or blames the people, like Rouhani for protesting against the government and being linked to foreigners, the fate of Iran will be determined by the hands of the Iranian people themselves. In their eyes the first and final to blame are the leaders of the Islamic Republic of Iran. The judgment is up to the people of Iran!

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