Middle East NewsInfluential Iranian Merchants Go On Nationwide StrikeNikoo AminiOctober 8, 2018 by Nikoo AminiOctober 8, 201805167 Influential Iranian Merchants Go On Nationwide Strike....
Column 2 NewsRussia Might Be Back In Technical RecessionTsarizm StaffJanuary 12, 2018January 15, 2018 by Tsarizm StaffJanuary 12, 2018January 15, 201803533 Image by LokiiT The Russian Federation may have slipped back into a technical recession at the end of 2017. According to analysis by JPMorgan Chase...
Column 1 NewsPolls Show Russians Are Happier This YearTsarizm StaffJuly 19, 2017July 20, 2017 by Tsarizm StaffJuly 19, 2017July 20, 201702919 Image by Egor Gribanov Russians are happier this year than during the last few years of the recession, according to a poll by the Russian...
Column 1 OpinionOpinion: Low Oil Prices Causing Pain In RussiaL Todd WoodSeptember 16, 2016 by L Todd WoodSeptember 16, 201602831 There were some happy campers in Moscow recently when the price of crude oil pushed past $50 a barrel. The Kremlin seems to have successfully...