Eastern Europe

Russia To Outlaw Transgenders From Changing Gender On Birth Certificate To Strengthen Institution Of Family

Russia To Outlaw Transgenders From Changing Gender On Birth Certificate To Strengthen Institution Of Family
Image by Nikolai Alekseev

Russia will soon make it illegal for a transgender person to change their gender on their birth certificate, in a move looking to strengthen the institution of family.

The move comes after Russia’s ‘gay propaganda’ law enacted in 2013, which prevents the instruction of children in the gay lifestyle. Russia has also banned same-sex marriage.

In a country that classifies them as mentally ill, Russian transgender people, who are not even allowed to drive, have long faced discrimination. But proposed amendments to Russia’s Family Code on “strengthening the institution of the family” will make their lives even more difficult, activists and rights groups say, reported The Moscow Times.

Commonly referred to as “Mizulina’s law” after Yelena Mizulina, the conservative lawmaker who spearheaded its development, the legislation will be considered by the State Duma, Russia’s lower house of parliament, later this month.

But in explicitly banning same-sex marriage and adoption, the amendments go the extra mile by barring transgender people from officially changing their gender. In this way, rights group say, lawmakers will prevent even heterosexual trans people from getting married, because their original birth-assigned gender would make their marriage same-sex on paper.

“I can’t think of any other explanation,” Tatiana Glushkova, a lawyer with the Transgender Legal Defense Project, said of the decision to ban gender changes. “They have a fantasy in their heads that people change their documents in order to enter into a same-sex marriage.”

You can read more about the subject here at The Moscow Times.

A group of representatives from the Federation Council want to ban transgender people in Russia from marrying. They also want to make it more difficult for couples that include one trans partner to adopt children. This was announced by conservative Senator Elena Mizulina, who led the development of a new draft law “aimed at strengthening the institution of the family.” If the bill were to be adopted in its current form, it would have another major consequence for transgender people: they wouldn’t be allowed to change the gender markers on their identity documents. In other words, they’d be prevented from legally changing their gender, reported Meduza.

Under Russia’s current laws, transgender people can change their legal gender by taking steps that include a psychiatric evaluation and medical procedures. The proposed law provides that a person’s sex on their birth certificate cannot be changed, and that trans people who have changed their birth certificates under the current law would have to change them back to the sex they were assigned at birth, reported HRW.

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Codfish Jones September 4, 2020 at 5:55 pm

Good for Russia.

bill53 September 4, 2020 at 7:13 pm

How come Russia knows how to deal with homosexuals but we don’t? Homosexuality is either grooming or choice which means re-marginalization and institutionalization. Homosexuals are sociopaths.
Or a tall building and some encouragement.

bill53 September 4, 2020 at 7:14 pm

100 up votes!

Walkin O'Shea September 5, 2020 at 9:02 pm

Good for Russia, it’s not afraid to make a decision like this, too bad we in our country are so busy being PC we don’t have the balls to get the job done.


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