Central Asia

Tensions Flare On Armenian/Azerbaijan Border With Injuries On Both Sides

Image by CuriousGolden

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Tensions are continuing to build on the Armenian/Azerbaijan border with reported injuries on both sides. Armenia claimed Azerbaijani troops crossed the border recently but retreated. Now fighting has erupted.

The two nations fought a war over the disputed region of Nagorno-Karabakh last year.

(h/t RT Telegram channel)

Armenia/Azerbaijan conflict: Counterclaims of injured soldiers

Tensions are heating up between Armenia and neighbouring Azerbaijan, with both countries blaming the other for sparking violence that has reportedly left up to six soldiers injured.

▪️Azerbaijan Defense Ministry claims Armenia has launched attacks in Kelbajar and Lachin in which they say two Azeri combatants have been injured

▪️They added that they have captured several Armenian soldiers, destroyed their anti-tank installation with fighting still ongoing

▪️Armenia Defense Ministry insists fighting began after Azerbaijan attacked border posts, injuring four Armenian soldiers

▪️Secretary of the Security Council of Armenia Armen Grigoryan has appealed to Russia for support under their bilateral agreement, written request will follow.

The Armenian Defense Ministry published a video of the border clashes. (Watch)

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