Central Europe News

Hungary Applies Common Sense To Homeless Problem, Progressives Explode

Image by Jens Galschiøt
Sculpture – homeless in the street of hungary

Hungary has applied common sense to the homeless problem, causing ‘progressive’ heads to explode in media and homeless advocate circles around the world. In short, the new provision makes it illegal to sleep in public places, and gives the homeless the option of public shelters, public work, or paying a fine. The usual handwringing from the Left can be heard around loud and clear.

The new provision, which went into effect Monday, bans “habitual residence in a public space” and gives police the authority to remove rough sleepers from the streets and confiscate their belongings. Under amended Article 22 of the revised constitution, homeless people who refuse to go to shelters will be forced to participate in public work programs, which they can avoid only by paying a fine. If they are unable to pay those fines, they will face time in prison. The minister of state for social affairs and inclusion, Attila Fülöp, said Saturday that the law “serves the interest of society as a whole” and that there were “sufficient places in the institutions that provide care for the homeless,”reported CNN.

The liberal media has gone into overdrive talking about the cruel program of the Orban government. But in reality, it is just common sense from a public safety standpoint and to not enable and encourage the practice of destroying public spaces. One just has to look at the problem in San Fransisco to see how bad it can become.

Video: Watch EU MP Nigel Farage Absolutely Torch The EU Over Its Treatment Of Hungary As It Fights For Borders

“We believe we need to give additional help and not additional rights to homeless people,” Bence Retvari, state secretary, told reporters on Saturday according to a video posted on HirTv website, reported Reuters.

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