Central Asia News

Russia Seethes After Velvet Revolutionary Strikes at Old Foes

Image by Yerevantsi

Three months after sweeping to power in Armenia’s peaceful “velvet revolution,” Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan is waging an unprecedented campaign against corruption that’s unnerved Russia and got political opponents crying foul.

Arrests have reached people previously considered untouchable in Armenia including ex-President Robert Kocharyan, who’s accused of subverting constitutional order during deadly clashes a decade ago, and relatives of Serzh Sargsyan, the prime minister ousted by the revolution. The probe’s also snared senior defense officials including the Armenian head of a Russian-led military alliance.

New Armenian PM Pays Tribute To Moscow

Russia’s “brought our concerns to the attention of Armenia’s leaders on several occasions,” Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov said July 31. Pashinyan fired back on Friday, saying Armenia’s in a “new situation and everyone, including our Russian partners, must adapt to this new reality,” according to the Aysor.am website…

To read more visit Bloomberg.

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