Central Europe News

Orban Predicts Victory In Battle With EU Open Border Officials

Image by Elekes Andor

Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban, sensing a turning tide of sentiment on massive immigration into Europe, fomented by the EU’s open border crowd and George Soros, declared that conservative parties across The Continent must unite to force change and protect European borders, and win seats in the approaching 2019 European election.

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“There’s a general shift toward the right in the whole of Europe,” Orban told an ethnic Hungarian audience in Baile Tusnad, Romania, on Saturday, citing votes in Italy and Austria. “We must focus all our attention on the European elections of 2019. It’s high time the European elections were about one serious common theme, immigration,” reported Bloomberg.

The Hungarian premier renewed his attack on the European Commission after similar remarks in a radio interview on Friday, where he dismissed the bloc’s executive as a lame duck. He said the commission’s concerns about Hungary’s migration and non-government organization policies will soon cease to be relevant as its mandate expires, added Bloomberg.

The second half of 2018 will bring further major changes that will usher in a whole new cultural “era” in Hungary, said the Hungarian leader. He declared that those in European leadership that pushed the immigration crisis on Europe should be punished, once a new EU Council is elected.

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