Central Europe News

Orban Signals Willingness To Deal With Merkel Over Migrants, As Long As More Migrants Don’t Come In

Image by Joachim Seidler, photog_at from Austria

As German Chancellor Angela Merkel faces the biggest threat to her political power since taking office, over her destruction of Europe’s security and culture with her policy of open borders, and uncontrolled Islamic migration, she has been reduced to trying to make bilateral deals to gain support for her new-found plans to now control the influx from North Africa and the Middle East. It seems Prime Minister Viktor Orban of Hungary is willing to possibly go along with her vision, as long as hard-line Austria cuts a deal first that Hungary can live with.

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“In an interview with German mass daily Bild, Orban said Hungary was open for talks with Germany if Berlin managed to strike a migration deal with neighbouring Austria, whose Chancellor Sebastian Kurz is, like Orban, an immigration hardliner. “The order can only be: negotiations between Germany and Austria, then negotiations between Austria and Hungary,” Orban said according to a Bild prerelease published on Tuesday. “And only at the end, if there really is clarity about the German position, (there can be) negotiations between Hungary and Germany,” Orban added,” reported Reuters.

The election of Sebastian Kurz heralded a sea change in EU policy towards the human influx into Europe. It signaled the heart of Europe was fed up with the open border agenda and was now willing to stand up to Brussels over the issue. The uprising against Merkel’s rule in Germany is further evidence of this trend. Italy has also elected a populist, anti-immigration government.

It is now up to Merkel to see if she can save the European Union, the same EU she tried to destroy.

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It is also a given that the well-funded anti-Western, Soros-backed forces will not give up easily, in their quest to wipe out Christian Europe, and conservative thought altogether from the Continent.

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