Balkans News

Hungary Offers To Help Tiny Montenegro Guard Against Migrants, Cutting Off Balkan Route To Western Europe

Image by Gémes Sándor/SzomSzed

The Central European government of Hungary has offered to help the tiny Balkan nation of Montenegro guard against illegal migrants crossing its territory in an attempt to make their way to Western Europe.

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Hungary’s anti-immigration prime minister has described stopping a massive influx of migrants through the Balkans as Europe’s only success in dealing with the problem. Viktor Orban on Tuesday offered to help small Montenegro guard its borders against migrants, insisting that the Balkans should remain closed for people trying to reach Western Europe. Orban says after talks with Montenegrin PM Dusko Markovic that “Europe is still making serious mistakes.” He adds that “the only success has been the closure of the Balkan route, which was thanks to Hungary,” reported Associated Press.

Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban has declared that Soros-backed elements in the European Union are attempting to ‘Muslimize Europe’, destroying its security and Christian heritage. Hungary has erected a double razor-wire fence along its border with Serbia to stop such migrations and has been largely successful.

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The European Parliament has initiated legal proceedings against the Visegrad Group nations for not following the dictates from Brussels to resettle hundreds of thousands of migrants in their countries.

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