Eastern Europe News

Why Is It So Hard To Get Needed Medicines In Russia?

Image by Kormed.ru

This week, Russian lawmakers adopted a first and second reading of legislation allowing the government to impose sweeping new “counter-sanctions” on hostile foreign states. The bill brings Moscow a step closer to banning the import of a whole series of vital medicines. Meduza asked gastroenterologist Alexey Paramonov, the director of the Rassvet Clinic, to explain Russia’s regular shortages of important pharmaceuticals.

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Interruptions in drug supplies are indeed routine in Russia. For instance, patients with chronic ailments run into the same problem: the drug they have carefully selected vanishes from pharmacies, and with their doctors they suddenly have to choose a substitute. If you’re lucky, the same drug is registered in Russia under several brand names. (In these cases, the replacement is relatively painless.)…

To read more visit Meduza

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