
Boris Johnson May Be Taking On British PM May…”Unlike The Prime Minister, I Believe In Brexit”

Image by Dominique
Boris Johnson graffiti

Boris Johnson has issued his strongest challenge to Theresa May to date, branding her Chequers plan “deranged” and “preposterous” before declaring: “Unlike the Prime Minister, I campaigned for Brexit… I believe in it”.

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In his first newspaper interview since resigning from the Cabinet over the Chequers blueprint for a ‘Soft Brexit’ — which would, he believes, render Brexit Britain an EU “vassal state” — the former Foreign and Commonwealth Secretary reiterated his warning that the May plan “surrenders control”.

He was particularly vocal on the esoteric but much-discussed topic of the Northern Irish ‘backstop’ — a proposal to keep the British province of Northern Ireland as well as the rest of the United Kingdom inside the EU’s Customs Union, if this is the only way the border between Northern Ireland and the Republic of Ireland can be kept free of customs checkpoints…

To read more visit Breitbart.

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