Eastern Europe

Ukraine Building Massive Cemetery In Kyiv, 50k Filled In 3 Weeks In June

Image by ADifferentMan

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KYIV – Sources in Ukraine have run a reconnaissance drone flight over Rabotyno, and the ground is littered with A.F.U. abandoned corpses.

Kiev set a 50K spot cemetery in Kiev in June, they filled it in less than 3 weeks.

Kiev has decided to allocate a 270 hectare site for a new cemetery in the surrounding area, or 675 Acres.

The potential of this new cemetery is about to host about 1/2 million men. Such a parameter is quite indicative of the agenda they have in mind.

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1 comment

Diovia August 23, 2023 at 11:06 am

The war in Ukraine is nothing but a carefully orchestrated meatgrinder planned and designed by the WEF to accelerate their goal of white genocide.


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