Eastern Europe

Zelensky Bashes Trump For Saying He Would Negotiate End Of War In Ukraine

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky with Former U.S. President Donald Trump

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In an NBC News interview that was published Thursday, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky targeted former President Donald Trump and attacked his vow to negotiate an end to Russia’s war in Ukraine. Zelensky argued that if Russia is not defeated in Ukraine, then Moscow will attack or invade another NATO member state and force the U.S. and the alliance into a direct conflict with Russia.

When asked about Trump’s pledge to immediately begin talks with the Kremlin to negotiate an end to the war, Zelensky said, “Are they ready to start a war to send their children? Are they ready to die?”

“If Russia occupies Ukraine, they will move on to the Baltic countries, to Poland, to any NATO country, and in that particular case the U.S. will have to choose between dismantling NATO or fighting,” Zelensky warned.

Both Kyiv and top officials in Washington have claimed that Ukraine is a bastion protecting other NATO member states from Russian President Vladimir Putin’s aggressive expansion goals. Despite claims from Zelensky and the Biden administration, however, there is no evidence that Moscow intends to attack another country. Putin has made it clear that he sees Ukraine as a specific security threat to Russia and claims that seizing territory protects his country against NATO’s expansion.

Despite Putin’s consistent statements that he sees the expansion of NATO as a threat, Zelensky has continued to call for Ukraine to join the alliance as soon as possible.

“We need an invitation, and it needs to be clear that after this war, if we are ready, and if the Ukraine army is ready to NATO standards, then after the war we will be invited to join,” Zelensky said.

“It’s very important to hear the truth and not tell us lies,” he added.

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Ukraine’s bid for NATO membership dates back to 2008 when Kyiv was told that it would receive full membership at some point in the future. At the time, Moscow criticized the proposal saying that it crossed red lines and would cause a significant security threat to Russia.

Regardless of Russia’s long-held stance against NATO’s expansion, the alliance is still accepting new member states, with Finland being the most recent to join. NATO has also said that it will accept Ukraine for full membership but the country does not currently meet the alliance’s requirements as Ukraine is currently at war with Russia and admitting Kyiv into NATO would put the alliance in direct conflict with Russia.

Meanwhile, Zelensky is growing frustrated with the alliance and its lack of formal commitment to accepting Ukraine as a member and for not providing a clear path for membership. The Ukrainian president is also threatening not to attend NATO’s Vilnius summit in July as a result of the ongoing battle for membership.

With respect to Trump’s stance on the war in Ukraine, Zelensky bashed his promise to negotiate an end to the war saying that he should have done just that while he was still in office.

“Why didn’t he do that earlier? He was president when the war was going on here,” Zelensky said.

“I think he couldn’t do that. I think there are no people today in the world who could just have a word with Putin and end the war,” he added.

Zelensky’s statement comes across as an admission that the war in Ukraine began prior to the Russian invasion in February 2022. Ukraine had been engaged in an 8-year civil war. NATO and Washington have justified their continuous support for Ukraine by claiming that Putin’s invasion was “unprovoked.”

The Ukrainian civil war was meant to be ended by the Minsk Accords, which were agreed to by Russia, Ukraine, France, and Germany. However, some neo-nazi paramilitary groups that were fighting for Ukraine would not comply with the agreement, despite Zelensky’s attempts to force them to. Prior to the invasion, there was an increase in fighting in the Donbas region between Ukrainian forces and rebels.

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Nabi Rasch June 19, 2023 at 5:51 pm

Does awfully sound like Trump’s ready to forgive and forget the horrific crimes of the bloody Russia dictator and cobble together some concession that saves the day for him. A very negative, game losing, look for Trump. Plenty of folks are dumping him over this.

sright June 20, 2023 at 6:28 pm

I suggest you research how many civilians the Ukraine army has murdered in the Donbas region over the last 9 years!

Art June 19, 2023 at 6:29 pm

How many more of this criminals countrymen are left to kill that this war could last for another year and a half to two years? It’s amazing how this guy is destroying his country and killing his people and all he can think about is continuing the insanity which couldn’t continue if we would stop helping him.

jack johnson June 20, 2023 at 6:58 am

This war is the result of Ukraine allowing itself to be groomed and westernized by the US since 1991. No country that ever gets into bed with the US ever comes out better for the relationship. Putin has exposed that a written peace agreement was in place back in April of 2022. Part of that agreement was the removal of troops around Kiev, which Russia did as a show of good faith. The US and UK then sabotaged the agreement…..so, all the bloodshed from then until now is on western hands.


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