Eastern Europe

There’s Something Terribly Wrong With Gorsad Kyiv And It’s Worse Than Balenciaga

Gorsad Kyiv is a collective of photographers that collaborates with the world’s largest brands. Apparently, everybody’s ignoring the fact that their work revolves around the graphic abuse and sexualization of children. Even worse, some of these “models” appear to be actual victims of child trafficking. Here’s a look at Gorsad Kyiv.

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Warning: This article contains disturbing pictures.

Gorsad Kyiv is a photography collective consisting of three artists: Viktor Vasiliev, Maria Romaniuk, and Ulik Romaniuk. Based in Kyiv, Ukraine, the group has collaborated with many galleries, magazines, musicians, and brands such as I-D Vice, Dazed & Confused, Skim milk, Hood by Air, Ariel Pink, and others.

In 2022, Gorsad Kyiv was named in PhotoVogue’s list of “100 Next Great Fashion Image Makers”.

One only needs to take a look at a few pics taken by Gorsad to realize one thing: There is something terribly wrong with them. Everything about their work refers directly to pedophilia, child abuse, and sex trafficking. Many children in these pictures appear deeply unwell as if they are actual victims of human trafficking that are constantly drugged and abused…

To read more visit The Vigilant Citizen.

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1 comment

#NUKEDAVOS January 15, 2023 at 4:11 pm

The globalist vermin are in corrupt Davos next week to try to further their globalist fascist agenda.

With the help and complicity of Davos municipality criminals.

They will have to pay for their crimes. They have known Davos as a ski resort for the rich? They will soon discover Davos wrecked and burned to the ground!


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