Eastern Europe

Kremlin Spox Admits “Huge Tragedy” Of “Significant” Troop Losses In Live Interview

Kremlin Spox Admits "Huge Tragedy" Of "Significant" Troop Losses In Live Interview
Screenshot Sky News, Dmitry Peskov

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In an unexpectedly candid admission, the Kremlin has admitted to Western press on Thursday that now into the sixth week of the Russian invasion of Ukraine its forces have sustained “significant losses”.

Putin spokesman Dmitry Peskov said in an interview with the UK’s Sky News, “We have significant losses of troops,” and admitted “and it’s a huge tragedy for us.” He said this when pressed on the issue by the broadcast interview host, however, stopped short of giving a death toll as he said the numbers were not yet “double confirmed”.

The last official Russian Defense Ministry casualty update came on March 25, where it was cited 1,351 of its forces had been killed to that point, with 3,825 wounded. But US officials have at the start of this month issued conservative estimates that they think it’s likely over 7,000 killed…

To read more visit Zero Hedge.

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1 comment

JamesD71 April 8, 2022 at 9:42 am

Their politicians and economic planners sound a lot like ours…crooked is everywhere.


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