Eastern Europe

In Scene From A Ludlum Novel, Russian Spy ‘Accidentally Falls From Upper Floor Window’ Outside Russian Embassy In Berlin

Russian Embassy, Berlin
Image by Rakoon

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A favorite pastime of Russians who anger the wrong people is ‘accidentally falling from windows’. It seems this happened recently to a Russian diplomat in Berlin who fell from the upper floors of the Russian embassy in the German city.

An unexplained death occurred at the Russian embassy in Berlin. According to information from SPIEGEL, property protectors of the Berlin police discovered a lifeless body on the sidewalk in front of an embassy building in Berlin on October 19 at around 7:20 a.m. Resuscitation attempts by rescue workers who were called were unsuccessful, reported Der Spiegel.

Apparently the man fell from an upper floor of the embassy complex on Behrenstrasse in the Mitte district of Berlin. According to an official list of diplomats, the 35-year-old had been accredited as second embassy secretary in Berlin since summer 2019. The German security authorities, however, saw him as a disguised employee of the Russian domestic secret service FSB .

In the case of the diplomat found dead, the Russian embassy did not agree to an autopsy of the body, according to SPIEGEL information. From security circles it was said that the circumstances of the alleged fall and the cause of death were “unknown”. Since the dead had diplomatic status, the public prosecutor was unable to conduct a death investigation. It was also unclear whether there were indications of third-party negligence.

Russian state news agency TASS also wrote about the incident in terse language.

“A tragic incident with a Russian diplomat occurred on October 19, 2021,” the embassy said. “All the formal procedures connected with the transportation of the diplomat’s body to homeland were promptly settled with the German law enforcement and medical authorities in accordance with current practice,” reported TASS.

“We regard the speculations appearing in certain Western media outlets in the context of this tragic incident as absolutely inappropriate,” the diplomatic mission noted.

A recent rash of Russian medical personnel who spoke out against Covid corruption have also accidentally fallen from windows, as have journalists.

The Berlin incident is the stuff of spy novels.

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1 comment

Gerard Frederick November 11, 2021 at 6:57 pm

That´s how the religious 30-year war started in 1618, a guy falling from a window.


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