Eastern Europe

Report: Ukraine Considers Buying The Iron Dome

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The Ukrainian city of Mariupol is looking into purchasing the Iron Dome missile defense system from Israel in order to protect the city’s airport.

Mariupol is the largest city in the Ukraine’s Donetsk region that has seen incessant fighting with Russian-backed troops since 2014 in a war that has killed some 14,000 people and displaced millions more. The city’s airport, which is near the border with Russia, has been closed since the fighting broke out.

But with a lull in fighting, city officials have been wanting to reopen the airport in order to redevelop the industrial port city that sits on the Azov Sea…

To read more visit The Jerusalem Post.

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Steve June 14, 2021 at 2:32 pm

I live in Ukraine and I question this. Mariupol is heavily PRO Russian so why would they buy a system to protect against the very people they so love and admire…RUSSIA.

Floyd Looney July 14, 2021 at 1:20 pm

Taiwan, South Korea, Georgia, the Balkans etc. Every country that is threatened by large neighbors should be trying to pick up systems like this.


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