Eastern Europe

‘Shot Like Partridges’: The Bolshevik Crushing Of The Kronstadt Uprising

A century ago, Lenin’s communists turned their guns on rebelling sailors once hailed as the “pride and glory” of the Bolshevik Revolution

'Shot Like Partridges': The Bolshevik Crushing Of The Kronstadt Uprising
Suppression of the Kronstadt mutiny. Soldiers of the Red Army attack the island fortress of Kronstadt on the ice of the Gulf of Finland

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This picture is one of only a handful in existence of a military victory over the mutinous sailors of Kronstadt that had “a shattering effect on socialists throughout the world” as the ruthless reality of Bolshevik rule was laid bare.

The island fortress of Kronstadt lies around 23 kilometers from the shores of St. Petersburg. It was founded by Peter the Great to defend maritime approaches to the former Russian capital.

The naval fortress at Kronstadt had a long history of left-wing radicalism, rebellion, and sometimes shocking acts of vengeance. In 1917, after Russia’s last tsar was overthrown, the disaffected sailors of Kronstadt seized the commander of the island fortress and bayonetted him to death.

To read more visit RFERL.

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