Eastern Europe

What Does A Siberian Tiger Cub Calling For Mommy Sound Like? You’ll Be Shocked…

What Does A Siberian Tiger Cub Calling For Mommy Sound Like? You'll Be Shocked...
The ‘singing tiger cub’ in the Barnaul zoo pictured months after he was born
Image Siberian Times

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The Siberian Times released video of a Siberian Amur tiger cub calling for attention for his mother. It’s like nothing you’ve ever heard before.

‘The cub is feeling very well indeed, his throat is not hurting. This is the call he used since very early after birth to distract his mother from all other cubs, and grab her attention’, one of the staff members explained, reported The Siberian Times.

They confirmed the recording was genuine, and explained that the sound was so unusual because tigers’ vocal cords ‘were not designed for such high-pitched notes.’

The Amur tiger cub was born at the beginning of June 2020 as part of a large litter of four to parents Sherkhan and Bagheera. 

To read more visit The Siberian Times.

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