Eastern Europe

Russian Foreign Ministry Calls Out Biden Administration For Persecution And Violating Human Rights Of Trump Supporters

U.S. Department of State Spokesperson Jennifer Psaki — sporting a shapka, or fur hat with ear flaps, given to her by Russian counterpart Maria Zakharova — stands with Zakharova between U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry and Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov in Paris, France, on January 13, 2014

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Russian Foreign Ministry Spokewowman Maria Zakharova recently railed against Biden administration hypocrisy of criticizing the Russian Federation’s handling of Kremlin antagonist Alexei Navalny, while persecuting and violating the human rights of Trump supporters.

Zakharova described an “ongoing persecution campaign” taking place “against anybody at all who does not agree with the results of the latest presidential election.” She also mentioned Biden minions calling American patriots ‘domestic terrorists’.

“The FBI has reportedly opened more than 400 criminal cases and applied for more than 500 search warrants and subpoenas for suspects; it has also brought charges against and detained around 200 people. Only several dozen defendants have been released on bail or placed under house arrest. The others are being subjected to harsh pressure, with members of their family and social circle being coerced into giving a ‘convenient’ testimony. Moreover, people who have not even been officially charged are losing their jobs; they are being banned from social media and publicly ostracised.”

“In fact, the majority of those people were ordinary citizens concerned about the situation in their own country,” she said. “These were 74 million voters who voted for their president and defendedtheir views.”

Zakharova then described how Trump supporters will not disappear as the U.S. Left fervently wishes.

“Their protest will not just go away. You cannot just sweep discontent under the rug. Even the rhetoric that the United States allows itself to use with respect to Russia will not help distract public attention from the country’s own problems. They will have to be dealt with. US citizens deserve to be treated according to the law and in line with Washington’s international obligations.”Accordingly, she then called on the United States to respect the “basic human rights” of Trump supporters.

“In this context, we have every reason to express concern and demand that basic human rights be observed,” she added. “US officials are constantly and hypocritically taking care of these rights when it comes to other countries; and yet, they have no scruples in ignoring them at home.”



The full statement is below…

Persecution of participants in January mass protests in the United States

We are deeply concerned about the ongoing persecution campaign against participants in the so-called storming of the US Capitol on January 6, 2021, and against anybody at all who does not agree with the results of the latest presidential election. US officials and an obedient media have labelled them “domestic terrorists.” By the way, did the ambassadors of EU countries or EU representatives in the US react in any way? Did they express concern about Washington’s rhetoric regarding its own citizens? No? Too bad.

The FBI has reportedly opened more than 400 criminal cases and applied for more than 500 search warrants and subpoenas for suspects; it has also brought charges against and detained around 200 people. Only several dozen defendants have been released on bail or placed under house arrest. The others are being subjected to harsh pressure, with members of their family and social circle being coerced into giving a “convenient” testimony. Moreover, people who have not even been officially charged are losing their jobs; they are being banned from social media and publicly ostracised.

Among other things, there is a question about the objectivity of the law enforcement agencies because they are essentially acting under orders and in line with the narrative of the current administration who declared the events of January 6, 2021 a riot and everybody who was near the US Congress on that day all but plunderers. Whereas in fact, the majority of those people were ordinary citizens concerned about the situation in their own country. These were 74 million voters who voted for their president and defended their views. I am using the same words that Washington has used with respect to our country.

Their protest will not just go away. You cannot just sweep discontent under the rug. Even the rhetoric that the United States allows itself to use with respect to Russia will not help distract public attention from the country’s own problems. They will have to be dealt with. US citizens deserve to be treated according to the law and in line with Washington’s international obligations. In this context, we have every reason to express concern and demand that basic human rights be observed. US officials are constantly and hypocritically taking care of these rights when it comes to other countries; and yet, they have no scruples in ignoring them at home. Why don’t you deal with your own problems? There are plenty of them and they need to be solved.

We intend to continue monitoring this issue and have a serious talk with Washington.

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Bill Halcott February 19, 2021 at 9:20 am

Absolutely hilarious!! You can’t make this up!!!

The Saint February 19, 2021 at 10:29 am

The war needs to start to set things straight. We need to take back our country as provided for in the Constitution. Short of that, we need to secede from the Union. Your life is at stake here and you need to act.

Hoepper February 19, 2021 at 11:57 am

We see a reversal of the political climate over the past 30 years. Once the US was the shining beacon of freedom and Russia the country where the government felt the need to suppress divergent views. Now it is the opposite. That’s what socialism does to a country.

Bruce Pestell February 19, 2021 at 12:17 pm

So they noticed, too! The ridiculous description of Jan 6 as an ‘Armed insurrection” has been used to justify the attack on freedom of assembly and freedom of speech and freedom of association. Trump’s lawyers have been attacked and cancelled. This is tyranny and encouraged by the democrats.

Amy 3092 February 19, 2021 at 2:04 pm

Russia in position of defending American Patriots from communist attack by American politicians.


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