Eastern Europe

Putin’s Russia Day Promotions

Putin's Russia Day Promotions
Newly-minted General-Colonel Zhidko

RF President Putin wasn’t terribly generous with military promotions on the eve of Russia Day. For the MOD, he promoted one three-star, four two-stars, and 14 one-stars. Putin’s alternative army, the National Guard got one three-star and two one-stars.

Eastern MD Commander Zhidko got his third star, catching him up with the other Russian MD commanders.

New General-Lieutenant Arutyun Darbinyan is deputy commander of the 8th CAA. General-Lieutenant Konstantin Kastornov commands the Black Sea Fleet’s 22nd Army Corps.

Putin's Russia Day Promotions

The director of the MOD’s Information Systems Department, Oleg Maslennikov also received a second star. The head of Pacific Fleet’s rear services became a general-lieutenant.

New general-majors include:

  • Commander, 39th Missile Division, RVSN.
  • Commander, 13th Missile Division, RVSN.
  • Commander, 127th MRD, Eastern MD.
  • Chief, Main Space Reconnaissance Center, VKS.
  • Chief, Engineering Troops, Central MD.
  • Chief, 185th Combat Training and Combat Employment Center, VKS.
  • Chief, 6th Directorate, Main Personnel Directorate (handles appointments to General Staff, central command and control organs, and higher military educational institutions).
  • Chief, Organization-Planning Directorate, Main Military-Medical Directorate, RF Ministry of Defense.

Two new rear-admirals:

  • Chief, Combat Training Directorate, Northern Fleet.
  • Chief, Organization-Mobilization Directorate, Southern MD.

No precise current posting could be found for four promotees.

Worth noting that Northern Fleet combat training chief, new Rear-Admiral Stepan Kelbas was previously deputy commander of the fleet’s 31st Submarine Division (SSBNs), and once commanded Delta IV-class SSBNs Novomoskovsk and Tula.

Russian Defense Policy

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