Central Asia

Shanghai Cooperation Council (China-Russia) Declares Bloc Will Fight Terrorism In Afghanistan To Fill Vacuum After US Departure

Moscow And Beijing Worried About Islamic Radicalism Now That World’s Policeman Is Gone

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The Shanghai Cooperation Council is a geopolitical bloc meant to counter Western and especially U.S. hegemony in world power. Essentially, it is Russia and China, and client states. It looks as though this bloc is now worried about Islamic radicalism in Central Asia, as the United States pulls out forces. Islamic fundamentalism is a problem in Russia and in China. The CCP currently holds over 1M Uyghurs in concentration camps, essentially re-education facilities.

The defense ministers of the member states of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) highlight the need to counter the growing activity of terrorists after the pullout of foreign military contingents from Afghanistan, the SCO defense chiefs said in a joint statement following their meeting in Dushanbe on Wednesday, reported Russian state news agency TASS.

The SCO defense chiefs “noted the need to prevent the situation from destabilizing in the SCO space and the activity of terrorist groups from growing significantly in the region after the pullout of the military contingents of NATO and other countries from Afghanistan,” the document reads.

The SCO meeting also approved a plan of cooperation between the bloc’s defense ministries for 2022-2023, “for the purposes of strengthening friendship and good neighborly relations between the SCO member states, maintaining peace, security and stability in the region, the defense chiefs spoke for building up SCO practical interaction with regional partner organizations,” according to the joint statement.

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1 comment

Walkin O'Shea July 31, 2021 at 11:14 pm

I think you’ll find that the Russians and the Chinese will not put up with the nonsense Americans did and have for years. We’re talking a whole new state of mind here. Good luck to them.


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