Eastern Europe News

Ukrainian Chief Prosecutor Submits Resignation Over Death Of Activist

Image by Mstyslav Chernov
Vitali Klitschko, leader of the political party Ukrainian Democratic Alliance for Reform (left) and Yuriy Lutsenko, former Minister of Internal Affairs. (right) seen during public protest at European square in Kiev, Ukraine

The Prosecutor General of Ukraine, Yuriy Lutsenko, submitted his resignation today over the death of Ekaterina Gandzyuk from Kherson, Ukraine. Lutsenko announced this development during a speech at the Ukrainian parliament, the Verkhovna Rada.

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“So that there is no doubt that no one clings to power, I am submitting an application to the President of Ukraine for resignation, and you should consider this issue in the parliament,” he said (quoted by Interfax), reported Russian news outlet Kommersant.

Lutsenko has been accused of corruption in the past with regard to the roundup of Ukrainian prosecutorial officials several years ago and their transport to Kyiv via helicopter for the political optics.

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The death of Gandzyuk has created a firestorm of anger in the country after she was doused with sulfuric acid and received burns over 40% of her body.

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