Balkans News

Serbia Responds To Arrest Of Serb Official In Kosovo

Serbia Responds To Arrest Of Serb Official In Kosovo
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Two days after the arrest and deportation to Serbia of the Head of Serbian Office for Kosovo, Marko Gjuric, it seems Serbian authorities have decided to respond immediately. Wednesday, Serbian military planes flew very low over the Presheva sky, the Albanian area under Serbian control that is very close to Kosovo border, causing panic and insecurity among its citizens.

Turmoil In Kosovo After Arrest Of Serbian Official

According to the spokesman of the Serbian Ministry of Defence, Jovan Krivokapic, these maneuvers are part of international military training that is being organized at “Jug” base in Bujanoc. The plane maneuvers have been planned in advance, he said, and on Thursday the training will continue in central Serbia. The spokesman assured Presheva citizens that there is no reason to panic. But when asked by the media, whether such military planes have ever flown near the Kosovo border since the end of the war in the former Yugoslavia, he not only did not answer, he added that “Presheva and Kosovo are part of Serbia”, one more time provoking clearly. Such a statement goes contrary to the efforts made by both parties to establish a correct dialogue between them. The condition of acknowledging Kosovo independence is the key issue for Serbia to hope for EU accession.

Serbia-The Favorite Kid On The Block

The Head of Presheva Commune, Shqiprim Arifi, stated that such actions increase insecurity and anxiety among Albanians of Presheva valley. He invited central institutions not to demonstrate force as a reaction to political events, referring to what happened in Kosovo two days ago. He is convinced that the Albanian territory under Serbia will have the support of international friends to cope with future eventual provocations or spontaneous activities on the part of Serbia.

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