Central Europe News

Large Nationalist March In Warsaw

Image by Silar

Thousands marched today in the Polish capital of Warsaw to support nationalist, Catholic, and anti-migrant themes on Poland’s Independence Day. Police estimate the crowd reached 60,000; many came from other parts of Europe to take part in the march.

“One of the lead organizations behind the nationalists march is the National Radical Camp, which has previously taken to the streets to protest against Muslim immigration,gay rights, the EU and anything it considers undermines Polish Catholic values,” reported CNN.

Mainstream media attempted to paint the protests as xenophobic and racist. However, there are very real fears in Eastern Europe of the consequences of open borders and out-of-control Islamic migration to the region from North Africa and the Middle East. Fears of cultural destruction as well as loss of physical security from terror attacks and violent crime are on the rise.

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Western Europe has experienced these phenomenon in massive amounts as millions of economic ‘refugees’ pour into the region.

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The European Union has initiated ‘infringement procedures’ against the Visegrad Group of countries, including Poland, the Czech Republic, and Hungary, over their refusal to admit hundreds of thousands of migrants arriving on Europe’s southern periphery. Slovakia has avoided legal action.

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