Eastern Europe News

Russia Thinks Woman Is Becoming Transgender And Takes Away Her Children

Image by Alexei Kouprianov

A woman of 3 natural and two adopted children had her two remaining, minor, adopted kids removed after electing to undergo a double mastectomy. She said her breasts were too large after breastfeeding and caused her pain. She also penned a blog before, during, and after the procedure in the voice of a transgender person describing the experience. Russian social workers decided it was in the best interest of the children to remove them from the house.

“State officials in the Sverdlovsk region have reviewed and upheld a decision by local social workers to seize two children adopted by Julia Savinovskih and her husband, according to an official letter Savinovskih shared on Facebook on September 29. The document states that a formal review found no procedural violations in the decision by local social workers, who determined that removing two adopted children in Savinovskih’s care was in the children’s best interests,” wrote Meduza.

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“Transsexualism in Russia is considered a mental disorder, and so they believe I’m mentally unbalanced,” Savinovskih told reporters. She says she will appeal the decision in a higher court.

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The Russian Orthodox Church has significant influence within the Russian Federation and the Kremlin supports its conservative, traditional social views. The Russian public was shocked and disgusted that a man with a full beard appearing as a woman in the Eurovision contest several years actually won.

“The participation of the obvious transvestite and hermaphrodite Conchita Wurst on the same stage as Russian singers on live television is blatant propaganda of homosexuality and spiritual decay,” said Vitaly Milonov, one of the architects of Russia’s recent gay propaganda law.

“It is not normal but a person cannot be punished in Russia for being homosexual, or to live with a dog, with a horse, with a sheep, whatever,” Milonov said.

“Homosexuality is one of the sins for us and it means we should not teach our kids that sin is okay.”

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