Column 2 News

Putin Says Russia Ready To Help Resolve North Korean Nuclear Threat

Putin Says Russia Ready To Help Resolve North Korean Nuclear Threat

Russian President Vladimir Putin told his newly elected South Korean counterpart, Moon Jae-in, that the Kremlin would ‘play a constructive role’ in solving the North Korean nuclear problem.

“We hope for Russia to play a constructive role in order for North Korea to stop with its nuclear provocations and go the way of denuclearisation,” Moon was citing as saying to Putin in the 20-minute conversation.

“I, too, aim to find a way to begin talks quickly between North and South Korea as well as the six-party talks,” Moon said, referring to talks aimed at denuclearising North Korea involving the United States, China, Japan, Russia and the two Koreas, reports Reuters.

With the impeachment of the former, conservative government, South Korea now has a liberal administration that will most likely try the tried-and-failed tactics of ‘engagement’ and ‘strategic patience’ with the North. This will most likely aid Kim Jong-un in his quest to become a nuclear power that can threaten all of Asia and the United States with weapons of mass destruction.

The two leaders also discussed economics and trade ties between Russia and the Republic of Korea. They also agreed to meet face to face in the near future.

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