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Death Of Privacy: How Security Cameras Became A Plaything For Russian Hackers

Death Of Privacy: How Security Cameras Became A Plaything For Russian Hackers

Hackers broke into the security cameras in a private clinic in Moscow and secretly sold the opportunity to watch the operating table or examination table for the price of two cups of coffee – Reports BBC Russia.


Obviously, tens of thousands of cameras can be accessed through the internet. Just punch a few buttons and poorly protected devices can be broken. Hospitals, saunas, hotels are the hottest “digital” destination for hackers in Russia; customers of these places, in most cases, are not even aware that they are being watched.

A plastic surgery clinic near the center of Moscow promised visitors security and premium service. Its website proudly announced a stellar customer experience. The clinic provided the following services – cosmetic treatments and operations on almost any part of the body. Apparently, this kind of service attracted voyeurs, who from the beginning of 2017 were spying on the staff and visitors from eight Internet-connected electronic cameras (IP-cameras).


Video and audio from these cameras are stored for three days. One can gain entry, and view, from any device connected to the Internet – just a password is needed.

Access to the cameras was sold by Spree Hacker for 300 Russian Rubles (5$). According to him,  he obtained the passwords from other hackers. He did not admit breaking into the system.

“Now every student can find online tools for hacking IP-based cameras, – says Spree -. Their efficiency is very low, we are using completely different tools that are thousands of times more effective, and there is only us.”

This sort of thing is happening all over the world right now. This is because access to information is a critical currency of power, one which governments would like to control, but hackers nowadays trick governments more and more frequently. They have been called many names from criminals to terrorists… but in the end, a question arises: What is reality, do hackers just break things or force us to fix things and demand something better?


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