Column 3 News

European Union Opens Visa Free Regime To Georgia

Visa liberalization for Georgia has been adopted by European Parliament on February 2.

Visa free entry enables the citizens to enter the Schengen area for 90 days within any 180-day period for touristic, business or other purpose, except working.

“Today is a day of historical significance for Georgia,” Prime Minister Giorgi Kvirikashvili said.

“Indeed, today marks Georgia’s great success! Today’s decision will prove that Georgia’s policy on drawing closer to the European Union brings tangible results for every Georgian citizen. We are convinced that our citizens will show exceptional responsibility in accepting this milestone result and achievement, and will scrupulously observe the laws of host countries,” Kvirikashvili said.

Georgia has been waiting for the final decision since December 13, 2016 when Parliament and Council negotiators reached an agreement on the legislation.
In February 2013, the European Commission presented the Georgian Government an action plan on visa liberalization. On December 18, 2015, the Commission considered that Georgia had made the necessary progress and had undertaken all the required reforms. Based on this assessment, the Commission confirmed to transfer Georgia to the list of visa-free countries in December 2017 and finalized the decision on February 2, 2017.

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