
Federally-Funded RFERL Continues Its Derogatory Campaign Against Presidential Policy

Screenshot RFERL

U.S. Government-funded Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty continued its sublime campaign against American foreign policy today with strategic use of quotation marks. Describing the expulsion of Iranian diplomats from Albania due to its sponsorship of terror attacks on Balkan soil, RFERL used a strange title – “Albania Expels Two Iranian Diplomats For Allegedly ‘Harming’ National Security”. Notice the use of quotation marks around the word Harming and the use of the word allegedly.

Tsarizm’s Concern Over Leftist Slant Of VOA/RFERL Confirmed By #NeverTrumpers Pushing Bill At Close Of Congress

Government-Funded Radio Free Europe Continues Its Anti-Trump Bias

Tsarizm has reported extensively on the left-wing bias of this relic of the Cold War. It seems now it is just a place for angry Democrats. Meanwhile, the American Left continues its love affair with the murderous Iranian regime.

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