Tag : Russia
Lead Moscow Tractor Protester Charged With Fraud
Lead Moscow Tractor Protester Charged With Fraud....
Russia Hails Trump Syrian Safe Zone Initiative
Russia Hails Trump Syrian Safe Zone Initiative....
Lukashenko Says ‘Brother Ukraine’ Fighting For Independence
The leader of the former Soviet republic of Belarus (White Russia), President Alexander Lukashenko, sometimes known as Europe’s last dictator, said recently that fellow Slavic...
“Moscow Does Not Impose Its Own Solutions” – Russia Writes Syrian Draft Constitution
“Moscow Does Not Impose Its Own Solutions” – Russia Writes Syrian Draft Constitution....
Russia Is About To Decriminalise Domestic Violence
Russia Is About To Decriminalise Domestic Violence....
Ukraine Demands A Voice In Negotiations Over Ukraine
Ukraine is worried about Russia taking more territory in the east. The Ukrainian government is also worried about the new American policy towards the Ukrainian...
Is Sport Turning Into Politics?
Earlier on Wednesday, the IOC (International Olympic Committee) declared that Russian athlete Tatiana Lebedeva had been stripped of her silver medals from the 2008...
Crimea Officially Invites Le Pen
The French presidential candidate of the “National Front” party, Marine Le Pen, is kindly invited to visit Crimea, [or the Slavic pronunciation, Krim], said the...
Putin Asks Students To Stay Home And Help Make Russia Great
Russian President Vladimir Putin met with students of Moscow State University (MSU) and encouraged them to not leave the country and work overseas but to...