Middle East

Iran’s Khuzestan Province Explodes In Protest

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A statement by the National Council of Resistance in Iran is Below on the violence and protest engulfing Khuzestan Province, Iran.

Uprising by the people of southwest Province of Khuzestan enters third day.

Ahvaz, Shush, Karkheh, Susangerd, Kut Abdollah rise up.

Three protesters killed so far

In protest against lack of water, residents of many cities in Khuzestan Provinces have staged large-scale protests and clashed with the security forces for the third day running, the MEK network in Iran reported.

Security Forces have opened fire on the crowds, killing Mostafa Na’imai, 26, in Shadegan, Qassem Khozeiri, 17, in Kut Abdollah, and Ali Mazra’eh in Kuy-e Hoveyzeh in Ahvaz, and wounding many more.   

Young people blocked the highways. In Kut Abdollah thousands are in the streets in protest against lack of water. IRGC Special Units have entered the town and all roads leading to the city have been closed by the State Security Forces, who have called for reinforcements. 

SSF kiosks and vehicles in Shush have been destroyed by the enraged citizens who have taken over the streets. 

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1 comment

malik on hm July 19, 2021 at 10:59 am

Iran is a brotherly country, the people living there are Turks, their rights are taken away. onlara yardım etmeliyiz


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