Middle East

What Does Russia Want In Southern Yemen? Which Has Priority, Geopolitical Or Political Interests?

What Does Russia Want In Southern Yemen? Which Has Priority, Geopolitical Or Political Interests?
Yemen relief location map
Image by Carport

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In recent months, the visit of officials from the “Southern Transitional Council” (STC) to Moscow shows the group’s growing ties with Russia. Moscow’s goal from the beginning of these relations is to secure its geopolitical interests and, of course, pursue economic and political goals along with geopolitical goals.

Russia’s relations with Yemen are of long standing. The USSR was closely allied with South Yemen – officially the “People’s Democratic Republic of Yemen”. South Yemen was the first Arab country to officially adopt communist ideas between 1967 and 1990, and thus had extensive relations with the Soviet Union. In 1990, South Yemen united with North Yemen and the Republic of Yemen was established.

Russia’s geopolitical goals in southern Yemen

Russia seeks to achieve its geopolitical goals through close cooperation with the Transitional Council. In Yemen, it is trying to maintain its extensive relations with all parties involved in Yemen. Moscow’s policy is not to side with any particular party in the Yemeni political-military scene. It legitimizes the administration of Abd-Rabbuh Mansur Hadi, and maintains ties with the Houthis and respects the power-seeking attitudes of the southern movements. However, Russia’s main goal in southern Yemen is to ensure a military presence in the strategic Bab el-Mandeb Strait, which connects the Red Sea to the Gulf of Aden…

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