Eastern Europe

Putin Trolls Biden, Wishes Him ‘Good Health’, Challenges Him To Debate This Weekend

Putin Trolls Biden, Wishes Him 'Good Health', Challenges Him To Debate This Weekend

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Russian President Vladimir Putin responded to U.S. President Joe Biden’s calling the Russian leader a ‘killer’ today by saying essentially, ‘it takes one to know one’. Putin also wished Biden ‘good health’ and challenged him to a public debate in the next few days.

“When we judge other people or evaluate other states, nations, we always seem to look in the mirror, we always see ourselves there. We always see our essence in the other person,” Putin said when asked about Biden’s comments at a live televised meeting Thursday. 

“During childhood, when we argued with each other in the yard, we’d say: It takes one to know one!” he said. 

“As far as statements by my US counterpart are concerned. What would I say to him in response? I would tell him:”Be healthy!” I wish him good health,” the Russian leader said, adding that he really meant what he was saying without a pinch of irony.

According to Putin, there are “quite a few honest, decent and warm-hearted people” in the United States who want to live in peace and friendship with Russia. “We are aware of that, and we value that, and we will rely on them in the future,” the Russian leader assured, reported Russian state news agency TASS.

“As for the US [political] establishment, the ruling class, its consciousness was shaped in a well-known and rather difficult environment,” Putin noted.

Moscow will cooperate with Washington only on terms it finds favorable, according to Putin.

“The US authorities in general seek certain relations with us but only in areas the US interested in, and on their own terms,” the Russian leader pointed out.

“They think that we are just like them but we aren’t. Our genetic, cultural and moral codes are different. However, we know how to protect our interests,” Putin stressed. “We will work with them, but only in areas we are interested in and on terms we find favorable,” he added. “They will have to take it into account, despite attempts to stop our development, sanctions and insults,” the Russian president emphasized.

Russian President Vladimir Putin has offered US President Joe Biden to hold talks on Friday or Monday. The Russian leader will task the Foreign Ministry with considering the possibility of holding such talks, added TASS.

“I wouldn’t put this off for too long. I want to go to the taiga on the weekend to get some rest, but we could do it tomorrow or, let’s say, on Monday,” the Russian president told the Rossiya-24 TV channel.

“Please, we are ready at any time convenient for the Americans, I will give the corresponding directive right now to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs [of Russia],” Putin said.

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deenibeeni March 18, 2021 at 8:22 pm

Biden will say he’s being cat-called.

snarling fifi March 18, 2021 at 8:24 pm

And I’m not convinced he said “It takes one to know one,” because another translation (by a Russian) translated it as something like “you are describing yourself.” Which would be calling out projection. Which would be true. The “It takes one to know one” translation came from someone at Bloomberg. Is anyone surprised?

will April 4, 2021 at 9:02 am



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