Middle East

Iraq’s protesters: “No One Cares About Us But We Continue Our Revolution”

Iraq's protesters: "No One Cares About Us But We Continue Our Revolution"
Protesters in Baghdad. The interview was conducted with a demonstrator in Wasit. (Photo by Kareem Botane)

Iraq’s protests: “No one cares about us, but we will not stop our revolution”

What follows is an interview with a protester in Iraq conducted on February 9, 2020 in Wasit governorate who wanted to discuss the challenges the movement faces after months in the streets. He speaks out during a complex time when Muqtada al-Sadr and political groups such as the Fatah Alliance have sought to deter the protests. More than 600 protesters have been killed and up to 20,000 injured.

When did you join the protesters?

I have been involved since two months ago…

To read more visit MECRA.

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